Nicole Jeffords is an Austin-based writer and artist focused on people, politics and culture.

I have had two careers, one as a portrait painter, and one as a fiction writer.

I love to write, love the feeling it gives my brain. And here's the deal: the words seem to come from outside of me, waiting to be downloaded. I wait and listen. As soon as I hear them, they seem to run from my brain to my fingers… and there I go.

Please browse through the vast collection of serialized and short stories here on my website, their first stop before making their way further out into the world, and read those that call to you.

Most Recent Short Fiction

Little Jerk Goes to Washington

(A Tommy Duncan story)

Before he was a rising political star, Jonathan Kander was just a rich kid with a sharp tongue and a mean streak. But one summer afternoon an unexpected force—an elderly woman named Margaret Kahn—put him in his place, and she never let him forget it. Now, with his past buried and his future in the spotlight, one witness to his shame is left wondering… does anyone else remember?

Most Recent Serial Nonfiction

The Fat Girl Marches on Selma

In the spring of 1965 when the problems in Selma erupted, my college friend, Audrey Lazlo, and I packed overnight bags and hopped on one of the buses leaving for the beleaguered city. Participating in the march on Selma, albeit mostly from the kitchen of a church in D.C., was one of the great distinctions of my life. Not only because race relations were high on my list of concerns, but also because soon after, Audrey disappeared for a month. We never found out exactly what happened, but this was a time when women lived in a climate of fear and suspicion when it came to women’s healthcare, something women feel in red states now, 60 years later.



For me, portraiture is a revelatory process.

In addition to writing, I’m also a fine arts painter specializing in portraiture. My work combines elements that are both classical and expressionistic, dwelling on the natural beauty of the face as well as the subject’s raw emotional energy and psychological patterns that come through as the canvas develops.

From the Art Journal

I have a sixth sense when it comes to faces; you could call me a “portrait psychic” because I pick up a lot of information about people when I draw or paint them. In my Art Journal you’ll find reflections and commentary on people’s faces whether they be of friends, politicians or pop culture icons.