Elon Musk
Nicole Jeffords (2022)
This is a drawing I did of Elon Musk. Because so much is already out there about his wealth, origins and brilliant mind, I’ll just write down a few impressions rather than go into a lot of unnecessary detail.
He has an open, friendly face, none of the hidden little lines of deviousness or subterfuge I would have expected from a man of his stature. In fact, he wears his emotions close to the surface of his face — not because he’s candid, necessarily; more likely because he’s his own infallible person and doesn’t see why he should hide them. You might not understand what I mean when I say this, but he has the face of a fool. Yes, he’s filthy rich and a bit of a genius, but there’s an immaturity in his face, an expression of silliness that I notice every time I look at him. A guilelessness that makes no sense when you consider the deals he’s made, the companies he’s begun. And now he’s just bought Twitter. Hmmmm.