“I No Longer Fear Death, I Fear Not Living.”

I’m pleased to announce that San Antonio-based nonprofit organization, Hearts Need Art, selected my portrait of Ruth Bader Ginsburg for inclusion in its current online exhibit, I No Longer Fear Death, I Fear Not Living.

This organization provides accessible arts activities for patients and their caregivers in healthcare settings. Their programs include group art sessions, corridor concerts, bedside art, music and writing that positively impact the healthcare experience by reducing anxiety, depression and feelings of isolation.

Exhibition applicants were asked to read a poem written by cancer survivor, Anthony Morales, and to submit artwork that reflects upon any line of that poem. I chose the lines: I fear not making the most of every day. I fear not giving back… It’s hard living a meaningful life but it’s harder living a meaningless one. (See below to read the poem in its entirety.)

The exhibition will be available to view online through March 4. When you go to the website, look in the gold box at the top to view the selected works. You can use the arrows on the right and left to toggle forward or backward on the slides. Below the gold box are artworks created by patients and their caregivers.

While there, please consider donating what you can to a worthy cause.

And now, for that poem:

I No Longer Fear Death, I Fear Not Living

by Anthony Morales

I no longer fear death. I fear not living.
I no longer fear death
I fear not making the most of every day
I fear not giving back

I fear not laughing my butt off
dancing my heart out
singing my soul on

I fear not hugging my loved ones 
And holding on for dear life

I fear not telling people in my life how much they mean to me 
I fear missing an opportunity to say
I love you

I fear not being the loudest and proudest supporter 
for someone when they’re flying 
oh so high 
and being the most empathetic and softest shoulder to cry on 
when they fall back down to earth 

I fear going a day without making one person’s day better

It’s hard living a meaningful life 
But it’s harder living a meaningless one 

I no longer fear death
I fear not living
I see now
life happens when you’re making plans

The Notorious RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsburg), Oil on Canvas, 24” x 18” | 2019


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