Austin Studio Tour 2021
My constant studio companion, Lucille, and I at my home studio in Austin, Texas
It has been such a fun couple weeks preparing for and opening my home gallery for this year’s Austin Studio Tour! If you don’t already know (and how could you not?!), AST is a free, self-guided citywide celebration of art featuring over 530 Austin based artists and collaboratives and I am so excited to be a part of it! I'm #022 on the tour map, which you can pick up at your local library if there are any left. If not, head on over to Big Medium’s website for more information.
I’m open for in-person visits again this weekend, Nov 13-14 from 11:00am - 6:00pm, and would love to see you! Face masks are required to attend and visits are by appointment only.
Or, if you're still not leaving the house, I have four different online galleries for you to view.
If you’d like to know more about me and my work, I did a full artist interview for this year’s tour!
To learn more about the Austin Studio Tour and to view the online Art Book head on over to Big Medium's website. As a reminder, my part of the tour (WEST) ends tomorrow, Sunday November 14, at 6:00PM, but you can still visit EAST Austin studios and galleries next weekend. Maybe I’ll see you there!