Rudy Giuliani, Shady Character
Rudy Giuliani, Drawing by Nicole Jeffords.
Rudy… what can one say about this dude? He was one of the great heroes of 9/11, New Yorkers loved him. For awhile. But then, attempting a presidential run in 2008, palling around with Trump over the years, involved in all kinds of scandals, he disintegrated and went kind of crazy, not shrinking from underhanded and nefarious deeds such as trying to stir up trouble re the Bidens in the Ukraine in order to enhance Trump’s re-election prospects. Judging by his behavior since Trump’s been in power, Rudy appears to be a really shady character. Lots of drama and cheesy histrionics. Two thumbs down.
Artist’s note: I completed this drawing within an hour yesterday evening after reading the op-ed by Rudy’s daughter, Caroline Giuliani, which published yesterday in Vanity Fair. How serendipitous, then, that I woke up this morning to the breaking news that the White House had been warned earlier this year that information coming from Rudy about the Bidens should not be trusted, as intelligence officers had proof of his interactions with people tied to Russian intelligence during his December 2019 trip to Ukraine.